Monday, January 27, 2020

Why did the Reformation Matter to Ecclesiology?

Why did the Reformation Matter to Ecclesiology? By Carmel Gittens This presentation is to be delivered to our weekly Youth Group in our village hall. This is a group of young people aged 16-18. They have poor attention and love film especially Star Wars! So; the opening slide is to grab their attention, but there is no attempt to equate Star Wars with the Christian faith. The purpose of the presentation is to help them understand the significance of the Reformation and the impact it had on the Anglican church to which they belong. Also, to help them understand why the reformation is not a relic of the past but that the faith we share is dynamic, constantly reforming, and is as important today as it was then. There is often a misconception, especially amongst young people who have just studied Tudor history in school, that the reformation was all about Henry VIII wanting to divorce and remarry. They erroneously believe that he was responsible for the split of the Protestant movement from the Catholic church in Rome. As far back as the 5th century Augustine in his book The City Of God had declared that Mans commitment wasnt to Rome but to Jesus Christ. However the British monk Pelagius, while reading Augustines autobiography, was struck by this prayer: Grant what Thou commandest, and then command what Thou wilt. In other words, fallen man is utterly dependent upon Gods grace for salvation. No one, for example, can practice the self-control God commands unless God gives him grace to do so. These words made Pelagius uncomfortable. He believed human beings could be saved by their own efforts. This great theological controversy engulfed the church. To refute Pelagianism, Augustine turned to the great Pauline doctrines of grace, such as original sin, fallen mans total depravity and inability to save himself, the efficacy of the atoning death of Christ, and the necessity of faith in Him for salvation. The enormous biblical learning and perseverance of Augustine won the day against Pelagiuss teaching in the church. In the hundreds of years that followed, the Christian faith took many twists and turns, with Rome rising and falling in its domination, and Papal power being established. However the influence of the seventh century figure Pope Gregory who endeavoured to bring the whole world into the Christian faith and succeeded in bringing Kings and Rulers to the church, was weakened by the fact that the type of Christian faith that was produced was very superficial. A kind of faith that the church still struggles with today. The Synod of Whitby 648 was a gathering of bishops preoccupied with the significant issues of the day such as the shape and style of vestments worn by clergy and the date of Easter. This historical example showed how sometimes the church can completely forget its mission. Disagreements over the use of icons during the next century began to split east and west, coming to a great climax in 787 when the Iconoclastic controversy hit the second council of Nicaea. Although the church eventually allowed the use of icons, it was only under the insistence that they were not worshipped but used for instruction only. However, over the years this line again became blurred and images were given an even more important place in public worship. Whilst empires began to crumble, power was shifting towards the church, and this power was often achieved by corrupt means. Educational standards were falling; often the clergy were more ignorant of Gods word than those they were preaching to and standards of spiritual direction fell. The influence of Eastern traditions and beliefs isolated the Western church, and the popes of Rome were now able to take more power, unchallenged as they were by any degree of accountability to a higher power on earth. They began to acquire land and used the revenues from them to dominate the wider church with their corruptions. Many began to recognize the corruption between state and church and this led to disagreement over who should be able to elect clergy, the state or the church? More and more of the higher offices of clergy seeing the need to gain power began to raise funds with which to grow their dynasty and spiritual wellbeing gave way to fundraising and the selling of indulgences. It was in this climate that many began to voice their concerns, and the reformation movement really began to gather momentum. Whilst this is very important to the deeper understanding of the roots of the reformation, for the needs of the target group of my presentation, I have begun in the 14th century with the introduction of Wycliffe and his translation of the bible into English. Whilst a brief introduction that sets the scene is necessary, the amount of preceding information would be too much for the group to take in at one go, and may require a separate session. However, such in-depth detail may only be needed by those wishing to continue studying reformation history, rather than just a basic understanding of where this fits in to the development of the faith of the Anglican church. I decided by way of brief introduction to discuss the discontent with Rome and the political power wielded by the papacy, the use of Latin in both the Catholic Mass and the Bible as a way of controlling the information the populations were given, and the selling of indulgences by the clergy as a supposed way of gaining forgiveness and a sure way to enter heaven. To help the students understand just how early this discontent began, two slides about Wycliffe and Hus have been included, with the link to Luther coming from the slide about Hus prophecy regarding another man 100 years on, who would be proclaiming the same discontent and proposed reforms. Whilst I have maintained a little of the Star Wars theme, I did not wish this to become confused with the focus of the presentation and so after using a little picture to retain their interest I then left this until the last slide to finish the theme. Luther is introduced, with a brief history of his life and how he came to disagree with the traditional Catholic biblical teachings and the corruption of Rome. Then follows an explanation of his 95 theses and the controversy its publication caused. I believe that the importance of the printing press on the spread of the ideals of the reformers should not be underestimated. It is often debated that without it perhaps Luthers influence would not have been so far reaching. The students need to understand this and so the slide regarding this was introduced. The following information regarding the main concerns of Luther has been simplified as much as possible to aid students understanding of a very complex topic which contains a lot of historical information. It is important though that the main facts and chronology are established. Luthers theses that expressed his concerns about certain Church practices largely the sale of indulgences, and his deeper concerns with Church doctrine are explained. And how Luther could not reconcile this practice with his beliefs. When Pope Leo X began allowing indulgences to be sold it was to raise money for the rebuilding of St. Peters Basilica in Rome. Johann Tetzel, a monk began selling them not far from Wittenberg, where Luther was Professor of Theology. Luther could not find any scriptural evidence that this practice was of God. The students are now shown how Martin Luthers personal faith journey evolved from being a devout Catholic to hating the vengeful God he found in the bible. He concluded that no matter how good he tried to be, he could never earn his way to heaven. Luther re-read St. Paul, who wrote The just shall live by faith (Romans 1:17). Luther had a eureka moment and began to understand that those who go to heaven will get there by faith alone not by doing good works. In other words, Gods grace is something freely given to human beings, not something we can earn. This belief was not shared by the Catholic Church. Luther and other reformers also disagreed regarding the transubstantiation of the Eucharist. Luther thereby challenged one of the central sacraments of the Catholic Church, one of its central miracles, and thereby one of the ways that human beings can achieve grace with God, or salvation. Luther was excommunicated by Pope Leo X when he refused to recant his theses and other works at the diet of Worms. There needs to be balance in any teaching session and it is important to look at the churchs response; which was called the Counter-Reformation. The slides include information about the 1545 Council of Trent and its discussions to deal with the issues raised by Luther. This is important as it shows that the Catholic church attempted reconciliation and although many of its former practices and traditions were upheld, there was some attempt to stamp out the corruption that had in many ways led to the reformation. This and the later values of the Oxford movement are discussed. It is only then that the involvement of Henry VIII and his daughter Elizabeth are brought into the session. The influence of religion upon the political world and the wars and persecution that happened then; and is still happening today, are addressed. The Reformation was a very violent period in Europe. Each side, both Catholics and Protestants, were certain that they were in the right. Bibliography Ferguson, Sinclair B.; Beeke, Joel R.; Haykin, Michael A. G.. Church History 101: The Highlights of Twenty Centuries. Reformation Heritage Books. Spencer, Stephen Anglicanism:SCM Studyguide. 1 Jun 2010 Reeves, M and Chester, T: Why the Reformation Still Matters, Inter-Varsity press 2016.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Afghanistan :: essays research papers

Afghanistan BACKGROUND:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Afghanistan was subdued and occupied by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (U.S.S.R. i.e. Russia) in 1979. Subsequently in ten years, anti-communist forces provided and trained by the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan assisted in the removal of the Soviet power. As the fighting resumed, a fundamentalist Islamic movement referred to as the Taliban managed to seize most of the country. Under their ascendancy, the country of Afghanistan became extremely improvished and suffered from a fallen governmental infrastructure. GEOGRAPHY:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Afghanistan is situated in southern Asia, northwest of Pakistan; east of Iran. It possesses a total land area of 647,500 sq. km. In it’s comparative aspect, Afghanistan is slightly smaller than Texas. Bordering countries such as China, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan surrounds it. The land is less than 12% arable. 46% of the land consists of permanent pastures and 3% are occupied with forests and woodlands. Mostly rugged mountains and plains in the north and southwest portion of the country make up it’s terrain. Afghanistan is susceptible to natural hazards such as damaging earthquakes, floods, and droughts. This country has a seasonal climate of arid and semiarid air. They experience cold winters and hot summers. Current environmental issues involve soil degradation, overgrazing, deforestation (much of the remaining forests are being cut down for fuel and building materials), and desertification. This country has e stablished international environment agreements to deter marine dumping and nuclear testing, in addition to the implementation of environmental modification and preservation of it’s endangered species. PEOPLE:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Afghanistan possess a population of 26,818,057 (July 2001 est.) This number consists of 42% under the age of 14, 55% classified between the ages of 15 and 64, and 3% over the age of 65. As of 2001, this country has seen a population growth rate of 3.5%, but this rate exhibits the continuous return of refugees from Iran. The life expectancy of the Afghan people is about 46 years of existence. Afghanistan occupies a multitude of ethnic cultures and groups such as Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, and Uzbek. Most people of this country adopt the religion of Islam with 84% practicing as Sunni Muslims and 15% as Shi’a Muslims. The languages of this country are in a variation of Pashtu, Afghan Persian, Turkic, and much of them in bilingualism. Illiteracy is the prevalent impediment among the Afghan people with only 31% of the population capable of reading and writing.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Sickle Cell Plan of Care

Then, provide a brief description of the pathologically of sickle cell anemia and complete the nursing care plan by filling in the goals, outcomes, and nursing orders for the diagnoses provided in the table. SITUATION: Lavabo is a 30 year old, single African American who was diagnosed with sickle cell anemia when he was 4 years old. He works for a computer company and has been working 12 hour days to meet the deadline for a special project.Lavabo is complaining f fatigue and decided to relax by playing golf on a warm Saturday morning. After the seventh hole he experienced odyssey, tingling, and numbness in his legs. After the next hole, he experienced severe pain in his right ankle and knee. He was taken to the local medical center, where he was admitted. Lavabo rates his pain at 8 on a scale of 1-10. The physician ordered oxygen, IV fluids, and a PICA pump with morphine sulfate. Describe the pathologically that occurs in sickle cell anemia (4 points).Sickle cell anemia is the most c ommon form of sickle cell disease which is an inherited, autocross recessive disorder that causes an abnormal hemoglobin cell. The person with this specific disorder inherited hemoglobin S from both parents, also known as homozygous (Lewis, Drinkers, Hitchhiker, & Boucher, 2014, up. 644-647). This hemoglobin S results from the substitution of valise for glutamine acid on the B- globing chain of hemoglobin, and this ultimately causes the erythrocyte to stiffen and elongate taking a sickle shape in response to low oxygen levels (Lewis et al. 2014, up. 644-647). Due to the sickle cells elongated shape, and its stiff and sticky consistency it tends to get stuck in capillaries and vessels, and blocks blood flow to limbs and organs (Lewis et al. , 2014, up. 644-647). The major problems with sickle cell anemia is due to their sickles shape, reduced life expectancy and their ability to carry enough hemoglobin or transport it properly to the body to provide adequate oxygenation.Therefore a p erson who has sickle cell anemia has a lower number of red blood cells related to the shortened cell life that dies after only 10-20 days, compared to a normal red blood cell which lives about 120 days (Lewis et al. , 2014, up. 644-647). Bone marrow is unable to keep up with the demand for new red blood cells to replace the dying ones, making a person with sickle cell anemia left in a state of constant inadequate oxygenation (Lewis et al. , 2014, up. 644-647). Occlusion of capillaries and small vessels lead to acute or chronic tissue injury.This leads to further problems related to homeostasis which continues to perpetuate a cycle of local hypoxia, degeneration of more erythrocytes, and more suckling which continue to cause irreversible cell membrane damage (Lewis et al. , 2014, up. 644-647). Unless you're directly quoting you only need to address the authors once According to Lewis et al. , ASS is xx or write your summary and add to the end of the paragraph (Lewis et al. , 2014 up. 644-647) since all your information is from 1 source. If your quoting directly from the source you need to enclose in †Nursing Diagnoses Pain related to occlusion of small vessel by sickle cells as evidenced by severe pain in art. Knee and ankle. Altered tissue perfusion related to a decreased number of Orb's and decreased oxygenation as manifested by odyssey, tingling/numbness in ankle and knees. Activity Intolerance related to imbalance between oxygen supply and demand, as manifested by fatigue, odyssey,

Friday, January 3, 2020

Dual Pane Case - 1078 Words

Dual Pane Company, founded in 2001 by John Grayson, is based on a machine he created. The machine could remove windows from their frames without destroying the wooden panes known as muntins and mullions. John and his wife Elizabeth are the owners of the company, as well as its only employees. He does the actual installation of windows, while she takes care of all the financial aspects of the company. The Dual Pane Company generally focuses its business in the residential market of the Boston area. Strengths and Weaknesses of John Grayson John Grayson has one of the most important qualifications of becoming a successful entrepreneur: experience. With 15 years of experience in the home restoration business, John knows a great deal about†¦show more content†¦If John goes the large business route, he will be able to raise the franchising cost. This move would really get Dual Pane’s name out there, but there would also be a bigger risk. The quality that Dual Pane has worked so hard to achieve could potentially be compromised by these larger businesses. It would also be more difficult to successfully pitch this idea to a huge company and persuade them to heavily invest in something that would seem small-scale to them. On the other hand, if he markets to small businesses, Dual Pane will more easily be able to keep its reputation as a quality restoration business. The company likely would not get national recognition, but it would be easier to franchise to individuals. It would also be easier to manage the relationships between the franchisor and the franchisees. The main downside to this alternative is the fact that John would have to charge a much lower price to these franchisees. Decision In order to keep its reputation of a small, quality business, Dual Pane will franchise to individuals in the Massachusetts area. This will, of course, mean that Grayson will have to charge a lower price for this franchising opportunity, but he will also be able to keep his original vision of being all about quality. This alternative is much less risky than marketing to large businesses and with the uniqueness of this machine Dual Pane is practically guaranteed to be a success. Implementation John GraysonShow MoreRelatedTcp / Ip Protocols Are The Heart And Soul Of The Internet1813 Words   |  8 Pageslayer. One important feature of this layer is it does not have network addresses. Protocol example is PPPP. (10 marks) The differences between IPv6 and IPv4 in terms of †¢ Packet format The main difference IPv4 and IPv6 is in the header part. In the case of IPv6, there is an optional extension header apart from fixed header for the special use whereas IPv4 the options up to 40 bytes in the header. 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